Contact Us

Teachers and Support Staff at Pioneer

To email one of our staff members, use their



Patrick Wilbur


Vice Principal

Jenna Morrish


Family Wellness Worker

Megan Watt-Crossey


Student Support Facilitator

Leanne Chatwood



Joseph Banke 6B

Melanie Campbell 6CE

Michelle Enders 6CE

Brent Eklund 6E

Christine Thiessen 6T

Breanne Oakie 7O

Genevieve Schmaltz 7S

Robert Unkauf 7U

Jackie Rogers 7/8R

Kara Egeto 8E

Janet Hymers 8H

Desmond Kleinschroth 8K

Allison Legree 8K Math/6-8 Band

Bailey Cartagena Physical Education


Educational Assistants

Angelique Berger

Lorri Bott

Vickie Clark

Carolyn Dressler

Roberta Titford

Erin Verhaeghe


ASII-Office Staff

Michelle Roberts

Candace Weller 


Learning Commons Facilitator

Heather Henry



Glenda Jacobs

Elton Williams

Mary-Ann Ramos

Diosdado Tupas



5516 54 Street
Rocky Mountain House , AB T4T 1S7

Phone: 403-845-2468